
Looking For A New News Source? Try This FREE

How do we do it? We need our family to be aware of what is happening in the news. But we don’t want all of the propaganda, negative, one-sided news. Our young families don’t need to be exposed to some graphic material, even if it’s in the news. So what to do?

World Watch News has the answer. For only 5 minutes per day, one can keep abreast of the world. This is news directed for homeschool families. It is upbeat and positive. One can grow his vocabulary. Here’s the link to get you started.

What’s more: this is Free week! Sign up for FREE news. Try this our for an entire week before actually subscribing. If you do choose to subscribe, it is less than $8 per month. Your students can have current events without the hassle of abnormal behavior news.

Correction!! Free week is August 5-11.