
Vacation Discount For Homeschoolers

We love homeschooling and we love discounts. Put them together and you have a winning pair! Now that the public school is back in session, many homeschool families take their educational vacations. It is good to plan ahead; you may get huge discounts!

The U.S.S. Alabama in Mobile, Alabama is good towards homeschooling families. Open most days, they have the ship and everything in it, a submarine, and a hangar with planes. All of this is kid-friendly. They do have a fee to enter. However, as a homeschool family you can get a discount.

Homeschool groups will receive the school group rate with proof of homeschooling upon arrival. Groups need to have 10+ students to qualify. All children 6 years old and above will be eligible for the student rate. Children 5 and under are free. Homeschool visits must occur Monday-Friday during the traditional school year: August-May.

All homeschool groups are required to book at least 24 hours prior to arrival in order to receive the field trip rate. Walk-up groups are not eligible for the discounted rate, and may have delayed entry on busy days.

Here’s the site for additional information. When our children were younger, we visited there. They all got something out of it. Plan to go early. It is an all-day learning experience.