
Creative Homeschool Families No matter The Weather

Snow brings thoughts of many kinds. Even homeschool families take time off. As snow is rare here in southern Missouri, we would usually take part of the morning off to play in the snow. Then back to school to dry our mittens and hats. After lunch we are back out again until dark, unless we found glow sticks! And homeschool parents are known for their creativity.

As Missouri recently got snow, I perused social media for pictures. The first picture I saw got my attention. There was a mom and her 7-8 year old son next to a nine foot snowman. My first thought was: Goliath! This (obvious in my mind) homeschool mom was teaching her son the height of Goliath: 9 feet! How small they both looked. And to think that David was a youth of undetermined age when he fought the giant and won. This snowman will make a lasting impression on this son, as well as me!