
New Homeschool Coop Starting In Alton

Alton homeschool families now have an opportunity to join a local coop. Wild Arrows has been running several years in Mountain View. While that is a drive for most families, gathering together with likeminded families was the plus. Now Wild Arrows is branching out and forming a second group here in Alton!

Wild Arrows offers class situations for different age groups. There may be a membership fee for each family to join. Past classes consist of science for the younger children, speech, and cooking,.

The coop meetings will take place at the First Baptist Church in Alton. The time has yet to be announced.

To get started, they are holding an information meeting at the church on Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 11:00 am. The meeting is free. Bring your questions and classroom interests.

For questions, feel free to contact Meghan at 253-468-3510 or Cassie at 417-274-2996.

This is for families who are currently homeschooling.