
Who Else But Homeschoolers?

What a great example of homeschooling! We don’t just do it 8-5. This is a lifelong teaching process. So when something extraordinary happens, like six planets aligning in the morning sky, we jump on it.

Wednesday morning, six planets will align themselves. No clouds in the forecast- time to set your clock now. The best time to see the alignment is before dawn. So get the kids up and outside to look south. Some planets will be larger; one is yellow. You may need binoculars or a telescope for a couple. The kids see, then return to bed.

Now the best part. We homeschool! We don’t have to have the kids out the door at a set time to catch the bus. They can sleep in a little then talk about what they saw. What an easy learning time.

As homeschool parents…we got this!