Do you have a child who would prefer reading comic books over textbooks? Well, someone came up with a solution! Kingstone Comics has a series
Alton homeschool families now have an opportunity to join a local coop. Wild Arrows has been running several years in Mountain View. While that is
It’s summer. While we don’t want everything learned this past year to be forgotten, we want free time also. But reading is something everyone should
It’s the end of another homeschool year for many families. As you reflect on what materials you liked and what did not work for your
Once you decide to homeschool, you realize that there are costs involved. Especially if you have more than one student, the cost for books rises
America250 is having an essay contest for third through twelfth graders on “What does America mean to you?” The essay contest entry deadline is May
When: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 (rain date is May 15th) Where: People’s Park in West Plains, Missouri (across from Butler Park beside the pavilion; not
The Great American Eclipse is less than a month away. Are you planning exciting ways to further your child’s education and experiences through this? Need
Do you have a student at the age where he can participate in a science fair? Does that sound fun? Are you not around other
As we sit indoors, trying hard to motivate our children while we try to motivate ourselves, we remind ourselves that summer is only a few