Looking For Something Educational This Weekend? Tired of staying home and you just want to get away for a few hours? How about the Missouri
If you homeschool for any period of time, you may come across a different learner. It’s not that he’s slow, just different. Kim Quon from
Homeschool used book sale and resource fair in July.
The Washington Post is seeking out homeschool families. Because homeschooling is on the rise, the Washington Post wants to know Your story. They are interested
Does your child like to write? Or take pictures? This may be of interest to you. HSLDA just opened their summer contests. June 1 through
At the beginning of May, Aaron Shafer died leaving behind his wife Faith and their four kids. A benefit car wash is being held on
Do you have an aspiring storyteller in your family? Young writers often struggle to develop a story idea that doesn’t fall apart when they start
Do you have an aspiring storyteller in your family? Young writers often struggle to develop a story idea that doesn’t fall apart when they start
Missouri lawmakers are defining statewide homeschool laws. Parts of former laws are being repealed. Other laws are to be enacted. Senate Bill 411 and SB
Today, April 25, marks the 70th anniversary of James Watson and Francis Crick’s 1953 discovery of the DNA double helix! Various places are helping students